What Food Type 2 Diabetics Should Eat?

Stop Diabetes


For you as a type 2 diabetic, the topic of “eating right” is another important factor influencing your treatment success. With a diabetes-friendly diet, you not only lay the foundation for your diabetes treatment but also prevent long-term secondary diseases. It can therefore be important for you as a diabetic to rethink previous structures and habits around eating and to replace them with new, healthy eating behavior. Therefore, seek detailed advice from your doctor, a nutritionist, or as part of special patient training courses.

For many type 2 diabetics that would probably need mens diabetic socks, nutrition is also about losing weight. A healthy body weight not only improves your blood sugar levels but also your blood pressure and blood lipid levels. Therefore, especially for overweight people with type 2 diabetes, a fat-reduced, balanced diet is an important part of the treatment. In particular, hidden fats in sausages, meats, cheeses, sauces, ready meals, sweets, cakes, or pastries should be kept in mind and not completely removed from your individual diet plan, but consume them wisely. Your diabetes-friendly diet is not about strict commandments or prohibitions, but rather about being aware of which eating habits and which foods support your health and integrating them into your everyday life.

In this respect, it may be in the future, for example:

  • Only 1 x per month for a snack instead of never again snack
  • 1 x per week healthy muesli instead of morning always muesli
  • One bar of chocolate a week instead of never again chocolate


ALSO READ: 4 Foods You Should Consume When on Steroid Cycle


Nutrition guide: Food pyramid gives diabetics a quick overview

Which foods are right for you?

With the help of a food pyramid, we have divided common foods into different classes for you. The further down the food is in the pyramid, the more often you should consume it. This allows you to quickly and easily identify which foods are suitable for you and which are rather unsuitable. Basically, for a balanced diet, you should eat foods from each food group.

General nutrition tips for type 2 diabetics

  • Reduce your excess weight slowly but permanently by reducing calories.
  • As a type 2 diabetic, you should calculate your diet by calories and not by bread units (bread units are important in type 1 diabetes).
  • Do not diet in the classical sense. “Get full without giving up” is the motto! Large amounts of “green” foods, for example, are beneficial.
  • Prefer high-fiber foods such as whole wheat bread, whole wheat flour, or legumes. They saturate longer, slow down the rise in blood sugar and have a beneficial effect on blood lipids.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water and unsweetened tea. If possible, you should almost completely abstain from alcohol.
  • Prefer vegetable fats, they have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. If possible, keep fixed times and locations for your meals.
  • If possible, eat only 3 main meals per day and choose fruit and raw food as snacks. Do not eat sweets when you are hungry, but only after meals.