If you want to increase your performance, you should avoid white bread, fast food and sweets. A lot of men are not aware that this rule not only applies in the bedroom but it could be a good motivation to change their diet as well. For example, you can prevent and treat diseases that cause erectile dysfunction and impotence, such as cardiovascular diseases or diabetes with a balanced diet
Erectile dysfunction should include a full diet with whole-grain products, fruits, vegetables and sufficient fluids. So that the motivation does not evaporate immediately, it is advisable to change your diet gradually and to celebrate even small changes.
In addition to the general change in diet, you can incorporate potency-increasing foods such as fish, nuts and the like into everyday life here and there. Regular consumption of strawberries or citrus fruits can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction or impotence.
For other remedies for erectile dysfunction.
These foods help with erectile dysfunction:
Nuts, kernels, lentils
The arginine contained in these foods makes the penile vessels smoother. It also ensures better blood flow to the erectile tissue.
Salmon, tuna
Fish is the superfood for your erection. In addition to arginine, it contains omega-3 fatty acids. This strengthens the circulation of the blood and thus the erection.
With the watermelon, you should by no means spurn the seeds and the white edge, because the amino acid citrulline is concentrated here. This expands the blood vessels and keeps the arginine level up.
This is good news for all caffeine junkies. Consuming coffee regularly can reduce your risk of erectile dysfunction by almost 40%
The banana lives up to its shape. The vitamins and minerals in the fruit regulate blood pressure, promote blood circulation and ensure a better erection.
Smoking, alcohol, obesity and lack of exercise can damage the blood vessels so that the blood flow to the erectile tissue is impeded. Potency disorders are more often related to underlying diseases such as diabetes mellitus, fatty liver, high blood pressure, or lipid metabolism disorders.
A little more exercise and a healthier diet have a clearly positive effect on fitness. If you promote your blood circulation, you also bring more momentum to your love life.