Eating a nutritious diet and exercising for 30 to 60 minutes a day will help regulate weight. You can lose weight with antioxidants and right diet.
Tips for losing weight with the right diet and antioxidant
Eat a variety of foods
Combine all food groups, i.e. plant and animal foods as well as fats. In particular, vegetable foods have few calories. However, they are bursting with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
5 times fruit and vegetables a day
The vitamins, minerals and fiber contained in fruit and vegetables give you energy for the day. Incidentally, this includes legumes such as unsalted nuts, lentils, chickpeas, and beans. Eat at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit a day.
Whole grain instead of white flour
Pasta, bread and others made from whole grains provide you with healthy nutrients. They keep you full for longer and reduce the risk of many diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus or colon cancer. Potatoes are also a healthy source of carbohydrates.
Animal foods in moderation
Daily milk and dairy products provide the body with valuable calcium. You can access the fish once or twice a week. Enjoy meat and sausages rarely. Between 300 and 600 grams per week is ideal. Eggs are allowed, but also in moderation, so they should not be on the menu every day.
Fat is important
Mainly vegetable oils from rapeseed, walnut, soy or olives are good for your health. In addition, prefer vegetable fat spreads instead of butter. Fats such as coconut oil, palm oil or palm kernel oil can have an unfavorable effect on health.
Less sugar and salt
Sugar is found primarily in processed foods and sweetened beverages of all kinds. It is therefore best to cook freshly. Drink plenty of unsweetened drinks such as tea and water. This saves calories. In addition, it reduces your risk of tooth decay, obesity, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
High levels of salt increase the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Try cooking with a little salt and not adding more salt at the table. This way, the individual foods taste much more natural.
Drink, drink, drink – and do it right
Unsweetened tea or 1.5 liters of water quench thirst and leave blood sugar untouched. Cravings don’t stand a chance. If you need taste, you can combine juice drink with a ratio of 3 parts water to 1 part juice.
It all depends on the preparation
In order to conserve nutrients and save fat, stewing and steaming food is particularly suitable. However, meat and fish should always be cooked through to avoid foodborne contamination.