Veggies and Acne: Why You Need to Eat More Leafy Greens

smoothieSo folks used to say “eat your greens that they will make you big and powerful” – we say eat your greens since they will help to get rid of your acne.

Always remember that while not always yummy, one cannot deny the benefits of eating vegetables because of the many health benefits you can reap out of them.

Hormonal imbalance that cause inflammation cause acne. This is Green Tea helps:

Since it’s a skin smoothing and tea drink 4-6 cups of Green Tea per day. Green Tea contains a potent antioxidant that may dampen chemicals. What’s even better is that it also includes a de-tensing amino acid (L-theanine) that can cut the stream of the stress hormone, which plays havoc with your skin.

If you don’t like Green Tea plan to drink at least two litres per day of water that is – with or plain freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice, or nettle or chamomile tea. Green Tea is the ideal, although these will help flush out toxins from the human own body. (Caution: you’ll have to clean your teeth following drinking Green tea as it might irritate your teeth).

Why we recommend veg and that’s:

Eat three or more servings of leafy vegetables per day. The top ones are spinach, broccoli, and turnip greens, but any will do – frozen, fresh, raw or steamed.

They are brilliant since they provide your body a dose so it doesn’t become rough dry and scaly and clog pores causing acne.

There’s never been a better time and folks will go green with jealousy because your skin begins to clean and glowing with freshness!