Foods That Can Boost Your Testosterone Levels

It is common for men to aim for better muscle growth by boosting their testosterone levels. Artificial hormone preparations are not always necessary for this. If you want to increase your testosterone level naturally, there are several options. In this post, we have listed healthy foods that have the potential to help increase your production of testosterone.

Avocado, salmon and nuts for unsaturated fatty acids

Testosterone are produced from cholesterol. High fat diet that’s filled with unsaturated fatty acids could increase your production of testosterone. You can find food fats in avocado fruits, nuts, seeds, salmon and high-quality oils like olive oil. In general, you should try to eat a lot of good fats and few saturated fats.

Find various recipes for increasing your testosterone level. For example, how about vegetables from the oven with salmon ? A nice light dish, almost without carbohydrates and with lots of good fats.

Cheese, beans, yogurt and fish for zinc

Zinc is an important component of numerous enzymes and proteins. It is involved in several reactions in our body, including cell growth and various metabolic processes. Zinc is also said to have a testosterone-boosting function. As a rule, men have a higher zinc requirement than women. In most cases, however , a balanced diet is enough to get enough zinc. Make sure you eat cheese, beans, yogurt, meat, seafood or nuts more often.

Garlic for allicin

Garlic and other leek-like vegetables are relatively high in allicin. Allicin is a sulfur-like amino acid that is said to have an antibacterial and cortisol-inhibiting effect. Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone. It is a kind of opponent of testosterone and can inhibit its production. The question is whether you always want to eat so much garlic, or whether you prefer to look for a different solution.

Medicinal herbs

There are also several herbs you could try. Some plants contain so-called phytoandrogens . This is the herbal version of testosterone. The increased intake of foods with a high percentage of phytoandrogens is said to have a positive effect on testosterone production. However, this has not been scientifically proven.

The following plants have a relatively high content of phytoandrogens:

  • Ginseng
  • Brandnetelwortel
  • Macca
  • Olive Leaf Extract
  • Pine Extract
  • Pine Pollen
  • Earth root thorn (earth star)

In order not to have to eat all the ingredients separately, there are various supplements that contain all plants. Read testogen reviews to make sure you are getting all the essential nutrients from vegetables that make a good testosterone boost.

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