Have Awareness that Steroids Occur Naturally in Your Body and In Food Sources

News about the rampant use of anabolic steroids among student athletes raised concerns, as users say they’re only taking supplements known as legal steroids.

Many young student-athletes are turning to energy-boosting supplements mainly because most households today do not provide their overly active teens with enough servings of food rich in natural steroids. Not many are aware that steroids can also occur naturally in one’s body and are found in food sources too.

In rural areas, natural food has always been the source of energy-boosting and muscle-building nutrients. Rural folks use the energy they get from natural foods to engage in physical work requiring strength and endurance.

Producers and marketers of legal steroids assert their supplements contain only minimal amounts of the synthetic androgenic steroid stuff; just enough to boost energy and build muscles. Regardless of this claim, the FDA banned the use of these supplements because of substance abuse.

There are pharma-grade steroids in Canada (steroids Canada) developed for medications. These pharma-grade steroids do not contain synthetic anabolic steroids, however, access to these products is difficult to obtain and quite expensive. They can only be bought directly from authorized pharmaceutical companies and sellers.

Natural Steroid Compounds vs. Synthetic Steroid Compounds

Not many are aware that the term “steroid” does not refer to anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) alone. Steroids earned a bad rap due to professional sports scandals that exposed the abuse of AAS to enhance the performance of athletes.

Steroids in their most natural form are fat-soluble organic compounds produced as hormones by the body to help the organs, cells, and tissues function normally. There are numerous classes of steroids, of which the most well-known are testosterone, estrogen, corticosteroid

Steroids occur naturally in plants and animals and can supply natural steroid nutrients through food consumption. However, in cases of serious health disorders or injuries that can adversely affect the body’s ability to produce natural steroids, the attending doctor may prescribe chemical-based steroid medications because they are more potent than organically produced steroids.

Still, the administration of steroid medications requires careful medical evaluations and close supervision and monitoring. That way, side effects if any can be immediately addressed.

Examples of Common Food Products that Produce Natural Steroids

Celery – Food nutrition experts say this plant steroid can boost testosterone production among males.

Spinach, a plant steroid that is vital to the body’s protein synthesis or muscle-building functions.

Quinoa seed is another plant-based steroid that can naturally increase the level of a male body’s testosterone production.

Eggs– While the egg yolk contains cholesterol, the egg-whites are rich in amino acids that are essential to the cells’ muscle-tissue building functions.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil And Coconut Oil – These natural oils contain healthy fats that can increase testosterone levels, especially as demanded by people who are into weight lifting or bodybuilding.

While there’s a whole lot more that can be mentioned, foods rich in nutrients like zinc, magnesium and Vitamins A, C, and D have been proven by medical researchers as capable of naturally increasing testosterone levels.

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