Why Eating Healthy Food is Not Enough to Boost HGH Production

Eating healthy food helps in the regular secretion of human growth hormones (HGH), but its healthy effects depend on the levels of HGH circulating in the blood. Food experts highly recommend eating eggs, fish, nuts, seeds,meat, milk, tomatoes, grapes and raspberries in order to maintain normal levels of HGH flowing in the circulatory system.

How Do Human Growth Hormones Impact the Body

Growth hormones are not directly involved in the generation of cells in relation to the building of muscle tissues, in bone growth and elongation,  in promoting hair growth and use of stored fat in adipose tissues. HGH is produced by the pituitary glands and released in the bloodstream to act as chemical messengers. That way the hormones reach organs that need optimum HGH to carry out their functions. HGH reaching the liver for example, results in the production of Insulin-like growth factor 1 or IGF-1.

However, increasing intake of foods that spur increases in HGH levels is not always advisable. Mainly because what you eat has a profound effect on different body systems. This was proven in a study that showed healthy people generally have HGH levels higher by 3 to 4 times than their contemporaries.

Another study showed that high insulin levels as results of high sugar intakes can in turn bring down HGH levels. Insulin is important because it enables the cells of the muscles and adipose fat to burn glucose as body energy.

Health Habits that Enable Optimum Production of HGH

While eating healthy foods can help oncrease levels of growth hormones, there are certain habits that people should develop or avoid in order to achieve optimum production of growth hormones.

Engage in High Intensity Exercise

Exercise has been proven as one of the most effective ways to increase growth hormone levels. Performing sprints, weight training, interval training or circuit training can maximize fat loss, lower insulin levels and therefore boost HGH production.

Still, the increase depends on the intensity of exercises performed, the kind of food taken in, and the physical traits of a person.

Have a Good Night’s Sleep

Poor sleep reduces the amount of growth hormones produced by a body, because new growth hormones are usually released in pulses during sleep. Studies have shown that the largest pulses and release of hormones are during midnight, while some smaller pulses still occur during the early morning hours. Still, research shows that pulse occurrences depend on a person’s circadian rhythm and internal body clock.

Another important thing to keep in mind in order to optimize one’s sleep is not to eat a lot if you’re about to go to bed. Some weight loss experts even suggest avoiding food intakes before bedtime.

What about Using HGH Injectables?

As an aside, HGHLager, a website that carries reviews about HGH supplements, reminds consumers that when looking to order HGH injectables online, be sure to visit the manufacturer’s website to obtain information.

While HGH injectables are recommended to help the body build lean muscle mass and at the same time lose weight, HGHLager cautions buyers to consider the costs as some brands of growth hormones are expensive, while some are not. However, the difference is that legit manufacturers in Euro pe use advanced and costly equipment to ensure the quality of their HGH injectables.

Understanding Why a Water Filtration System Is Essential in a Kitchen

Health authorities always issue warnings about waterborne diseases that can be contracted by drinking or using water contaminated with pathogenic microbes. Take note that waterborne diseases are more serious than infections, as pathogens cause impairment of vital bodily functions or systems once they invade, multiply and become parasites inside the body. So we shouldn’t be surprised why most people use a water filtration system to further decontaminate water supplied by a utility company and coming out of faucets.

To be clear, the water provided by utility companies undergo several chemical processes to separate and suspend particles and sediments, as well as subject the water to chemical treatment to kill different types of microorganisms thriving in the water but unseen by the naked eye.

Ordinarily, members of households use tap water for drinking, for washing raw and fresh ingredients, for making beverages, for boiling and overall cooking processes. However, we cannot be hundred percent sure that the water coming out of faucets is clean. As water traveled from treatment facilities to communities, they had to pass through storage tanks and piping systems that we cannot say for sure are totally free from contamination. Especially nowadays when strong and heavy flooding can cause underground pipe damages and clogged drains.

What Exactly Can Water Filtration Systems Do to MakeTap Water Clean and Safe to Drink

A water filtration system may be a stand alone appurtenance such as a water filter pitcher or as point-of-use water filters that can be installed in kitchen sinks, on countertops or under the sink. W water filtration system uses activated carbon or reverse osmosis methods in removing a diverse range of contaminants, sediments and pollutants.
The filtration methods are also designed to work on microorganisms that may be thriving in biofilms inside water tanks and pipes but carried away by the strong water pressure that causes water to surge and flow toward specific destinations covered by the water supply system. .

How Does Reverse Osmosis Work as a Water Filtration Method

Reverse Osmosis or RO, is a water filtration process that applies water pressure in forcing water molecules to move inside a semipermeable membrane. As only the liquid water molecules can enter the membrane, the solid contaminants are filtered out and flushed away during the treatment process. Duly approved RO systems can also remove metal ions and aqueous salts formed by chemical contaminants like arsenic, chloride, copper, chromium and the likes.

How Does Carbon Filtration System Work as a Water Filtration Method

Better known as Granulated Activated Carbon (GA), it’s an alternative water filtration method for removing chemicals and other pollutants that give water coming out of faucets, its unpleasant taste and odor.
The Centers for Disease Control states that manufacturers of water filtration systems cannot fully guarantee that their system can remove and eliminate all water impurities and contaminants, even if approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF).
Clearly filtered, a manufacturer of water filtration systems for households, states that its NSF certified Affinity® Filtration Technology, is capable of removing up to 99.9% of all types of diverse water contaminants. What is notable about the Clearly Filtered brand is that it comes with assurance that its proprietary water filtration system is also capable of retaining the essential minerals and nutrients that make the water not only safe but also healthy to drink.

Adipose Tissues – Their Function and How They Impact Body Mass Index

Adipose tissues are special connective tissues found in different parts of the body, to serve as special storage place for accumulated fat acids or lipids. Fat acids are important as they can be used to produce energy or body heat at twice the combined capacity of proteins and carbohydrates. As a perfect storage material, adipose tissues acting as fat depots are specifically called adipocytes, which performs the the function of providing fat acids to other tissues to meet the demands for heat or energy.

Adipocytes are found imostly in dense groups that later form part of adipose tissues. Sometimes the adipose tissues develop a brown coloring as they combine with a substance called mitochondria, the main element that performs the huge function of converting calories or fats into heat and energy. Without mitochondria, the adipose tissues will only be storing white fats that will be used, only if the body needs additional heat or energy. Unlike the BAT components that naturally burns the stored fats, white fats burn only in instances like fasting, exposure to very cold weather, and when doing physically demanding activities.

Foods that Promote the Formation of BAT

Studies have shown that boosting the quantity of brown adipose tissues (BAT) in the body is one way of reducing the body mass index, because BAT burns off. In order to achieve this, overweight or obese persons should consume foods that will increase the production of mitochondria.

A great example of this is the purple perilla (PE), which is a medicinal plant containing rich fatty acids that help produce motochondira that aids in converting adipocyte cells into BAT that subsequently burns to produce heat or energy.

Actually, the perilla plant lhas caught the attention of scientists for having a great potential in the development of nutraceuticals for addressing weight reduction problems among obese people.

Perilla and Other Natural Ingredients Used in Weight Loss Supplement

Exipure, the newest natural weight loss supplement appears to be the first to develop a formula that works toward BAT production, as a way to remove adipose tissues that form large body mass.

To keep users from wondering if Exipure works, the manufacturer gives a headsup that it takes about six to ten weeks for the supplement to work as promised. The longest it would take is within 180 days, to which it gives a money-back guarantee if the weight loss product does not work within the maximum 180-day period.

In addition to the perilla plant, other natural cooking and medicinal ingredients are used to create a formula that not only boosts BAT production but also curb appetite and at the same time maintain proper metabolism. The other ingredients include Kudzu Roots, Holy Basil, Propolis Bee Concentrate, Amur Cork Bark, White Korean Ginseng Extract, Quercetin and Oleuropein, White Korean Ginseng for one specifically works to increase the mitochondria that initiates the BAT burning process.

What Makes Essential Oil Extracts Different from Fragrance Oils

While many get to read about essential oils as having powerful healing and antibacterial properties, they wonder if their perfume counterparts are as efficient. Actually, it’s important to know that oils used in perfumes, bath soaps, lotions and other forms of toiletries are definitely different from the essential oils used in aromatherapy and as food preservatives.


Difference Between Medicinal Essential Oils and Cosmetic Fragrance Oils

The first major difference is that essential oils are extracts od natural plants, taken from different plant parts like the leaves, the flowers, stems or roots; many of which are classified as herbal plants. As opposed to fragrance oils, these are substances concocted in laboratories using chemical compounds.

Extraction of natural oils are carried out through steam distillation process, which denotes that the oil collected are pure and 100% natural substances.

Fragrance oils on the other hand are of two types, natural or synthetic, The synthetic type makes use of chemical compounds that are combined to mimic a particular scent, since they are not at all derived from nature. Synthetic fragrance oils use petroleum by-products as carrier oils, which makes the perfume cheaper that the natural fragrance oils.

Natural fragrance oils on the other hand are not 100% organic because they are still chemical concoctions created in labs but use organic materials as carrier oils. Actually, 100% essential oils are volatile and cannot retain their scents for longer periods.

In many cases, the cheap types of perfumes use synthetic fragrance oils because they are regarded as more versatile and applicable for different products; whilst equating to lower production costs. Perhaps, it’s just as important to determine the reliability and reputation of the store from where a fragrance will be purchased.

Those in search of the Italian Xerjoff perfumes should by online, only from authorized dealers like Essenza Nobile. This web page gives specific information about one of the best selling Xerjoff Naxos variant. Take note that the Xerjoff XJ -1861-Naxos contain compounds of materials commonly associated with natural essemmtial oil sources. Its properties catgorized as Gourmand include fragrances of honey, tonka beans, lavender, cinnamon, jasmine, vanilla, cashmeran, citrus, bergamot amd tobacco.

Bear in mind that as offer of protection, manufacturers give advice to consumers to take an allergy patch test first, by dabbing a small amount on the inner wrist.

Moreover, essential oils are more difficult to craft as the formulation of essential oils is dependent on the growing conditions, the climate and/or the season in which the plants are grown. The crafting difficulty lies in the ability of a process to maintain consistency that can sustain the medicinal or anti-microbial efficiency of the natural product.

Essential Oils as Food Preservatives

Essential oils possess antimicrobial properties that allow them to act as food preservatives because their molecules contain a variety of active natural chemical compounds like terpenes, carotenoids, curcumins, and coumarins just to name a few.

Yet, the use of essential oils as food preservatives is also a concern as there have been reports of side effects. Essential oils are in use as food preservatives for fruits, vegetables, cereals and grains, Worldwide investigations about food preservatives have directed researchers to also study the composition botanical micronutrients and the continuing need to test their efficiency on new and emerging pathogens.

Food, Oral Health Care and Modern Dentistry

Modern dentistry has provided people with teeth replacements like bridges, dentures or crowns, whilst creating a well grounded support via dental implants.

To be clear, implants are artificial tooth roots fashioned out of titanium, which is one reason what they are expensive . Tooth loss is a common occurrence as there are at least 35 million adults that have lost most if not all of their natural teeth.

Conventionally, lost teeth are replaced with dentures that are secured to a pseudo-gum tissue that attaches to the mouth by way of an adhesive or suction. However, more and more people are now opting to use dental implant posts surgically embedded in the thickest part of the jawbone. Known as all-on-4 implants, it is the most popular of dental implants because they replicate natural teeth very well.

What Makes an All-on-4 Better?

The All-on-4 dental implant is the perfect alternative for those who do not qualify for multiple implants due to bone loss. Actually, it is an implant-retained denture that solves the common disadvantages of having only conventional dentures as teeth replacement.

In an all on 4 implant, there are four dental posts that will be surgically and tactically placed into the thickest area of the jaw. The procedure eliminates the need to perform bone grafting purpose, the reason why bone loss is of critical importance.

The best part about the All-on-4 dental implant is that a patient does not have to denture-less while waiting for the implants to heal. This type of dental service may include the provision of temporary dentures provided on the same day the implant surgery is performed. Even though it uses only 4 posts for a set of multiple dentures compared to a traditional implant-retained denture, the stability and benefits are still the same.

Nevertheless, dental implants are cpst;y investments that need to be properly maintained in order for them to last their maximum longevity of between 15 to 20 years.

Need to Change Food Choices and Eating Habits

After the dental implant surgery, be sure to eat only soft or liquid foods that don’t need too much chewing. Soft or liquid food recommendations include ice cream, pudding, smoothies, yoghurt, mashed potatoes, creamy soups, broth and applesauce.

After a week from date of surgery, foods that involve moderate chewing can be eaten, Some examples include Mac and cheese, rice, soft bread, pancakes, eggs, pasta, and cooked vegetables. A patient can progress to tougher and chewier foods after another one to two weeks, albeit dependent on how fast the surgical implants heal. By the way, it’s important to avoid chewing on the side where implant surgery took place.

Moreover, maintain good oral hygiene and keep your dental health in check after receiving your dentures. Be sure to visit the dentist for checkup and cleaning two times a year. To prevent complications in the future, avoid using your new teeth as cutting tools or bottle openers, refrain from smoking, as well as maintain a balanced diet.

It is also important to take care of your mouth especially right after surgery by rinsing before going to bed, after waking up, and after every meal. When brushing your teeth avoid brushing directly on the surgical site

Perilla – A Closer Look at Its Versatility as Food and Medicinal Ingredient

Perilla, a plant that grows abundantly in Asian countries is widely used in food preparations not only for its flavor but also for its health-giving benefits. As a matter of fact, perilla has been used for centuries in Japan as a traditional medicine, as the oil of perilla contains 60% Alpha Linoleic Acid (ALA) the highest level found among all vegetable oils.

ALA, by the way is a plant-based type of omega-3 fatty acid that has been scientifically proven as effective in preventing inflammation, tumor growth, atherosclerosis, hypotension and other common health disorders including cancer.

In a 1997 study conducted by a group of Japanese lab researchers their findings indicated that perilla helps reduce the active hormonal components of total body fat that usually causes visceral obesity. In being visceral it means the body fats are mostly located in or around internal organs.

Perilla Use Today as An Active Fat-Burning Ingredient

In latest medicinal researches, perilla has been established as an active natural ingredient that helps in the conversion of white body fat into the heat-producing brown fat. While the body has lower brown fat content, researchers discovered that certain ingredients can be used to convert white fat into brown fat. Increasing brown fat content occurring in white adipose tissues, will then naturally create a calorie-burning effect that will cause white fats to shrivel.

However, in order to refine the fat conversion process, perilla is combined with other highly active natural ingredients.
The resulting formulation is now available as a fat-burner supplement known as Exipure. Consumer Reviews On Exipure contain detailed information on how the new fat-burning process works.

How Perilla is Used as Ingredient in Food Preparations

While the most popular form of perilla used as ingredient in many food dishes, is the perilla seed oil, other parts of the plant also have different uses.
In many Asian countries, perilla oil is often used as seasoning, as salad dressing, as dipping sauces and as a spice of processed foods.

Perilla leaves, which cab of the green or purple variety, are also used in enhancing the flavors of a variety of soups, stews and roasted dishes. Perilla bud, head and seeds are specifically used as spices for dried fish and raw-fish specialties.
Today, Perilla is  being cultivated in  many other countries outside of Asia, particularly in the United States, presumably because the plant is now widely recognized for its healthy benefit.

Minding the Reliability of Your Refrigerator

Even though refrigerators are one of the most used home appliances in the kitchen, they don’t always receive proper attention to ensure the right temperature. Aside from the usual storage and retrieval of food in refrigerators and freezers, the only time they draw attention is when it breaks down or when the power goes out.

While it is important to remember the 40°F temperature, it is also advisable not to let the appliance’s temperature reach that number. Keeping the temperature close at around 35-37°F is better as it could go higher than the 40°F threshold. Although it can be dangerous if the temperature goes lower, the 40°F threshold in a regular refrigerators will likely freeze the stored liquid contents

Like any other appliance, refrigerators and freezers have various differences and unique functions depending on their models. Some high-end fridges have a temperature readout but not all. Actually the addition of a built-in temperature readout is an important feature since it allows constant monitoring if your ref is still working at the right temperature. Otherwise, putting a thermometer inside is the next best alternative .

What to Do to Maintain the Right Refrigerator Temperature

There are several reasons why the temperature of your appliance might feel a bit off, but no worries as there are definitely easy fixes that even you can do.
An important factor of maintaining the right refrigerator temperature is to make sure that the seal on the doors of the appliance are working right.

Malfunctioning door gaskets let the cool air inside the fridge leak out; especially if the tight, magnetic seal is no longer working.
To test whether your gaskets are actually working, try inserting a dollar bill between the door and the fridge, leaving some of the dollar sticking out. Afterwards, try to yank out the bill and if it comes off with ease, it simply means the seal is in need of a replacement or repair.

Another thing to mind about your refrigerator is to not overstuff it. Moreover, organizing the things you put inside will prevent the disruption of the airflow inside the appliance. It’s also important to air vents located at the side or back wall to ensure nothing is blocking the air passages,

Knowing how temperature keeps the food safe to eat is also very important, as having awareness of how certain factors can microbes increase rapidly. That is one thing to avoid in relation to food storage since food-borne bacteria can cause illnesses,

Importance of Cold Storage Temperatures

Food stored in a freezer at a temperature of 0°F is safe as it slows the movement of molecules that prevent bacteria from leaving a dormant stage. Once the frozen food is thawed, the bacteria will become active again and multiply in numbers that can cause foodborne illnesses. Thawed food must be treated the same way fresh foods are treated since bacteria grow at the same rate.

Unlike freezers, temperature in fridges will only do so much in slowing down the spoiling process of perishable foods, even with a 40°F threshold. Good practices to counter against foodborne illnesses are safe food-handling practices which include proper handling, cooking, and storing of food at safe temperatures.

Actually foodborne bacteria are present everywhere and are capable of multiplying rapidly. That is why cold food storage is necessary even with leftovers. When it comes to storing leftovers, the rule is to coll them first but should be refrigerated within a period of two hours of staying under a room temperature.

If you are currently looking for quality refrigerators similar to the ones used in Korean households, you can find a list of the Top 7 Korean brands at this website:

Understanding How Biochemicals in Food Affect Body Health

While we know that our diet can impact our health, knowing what food to eat is still baffling as there’s a variety of health issues that can affect us. Food science researchers have reached a consensus that food is actually a “cocktail of hormones,” which refers to the different biochemicals that affect the health of the body in numerous ways.

To biochemist Donald Jump of Oregon State University (OSU), it is clear that food is just a concoction of biochemicals. Doctors Karen K. Ryan and Randy J. Seeley at the University of Cincinnati share similar views, explaining that the biochemical in the food we eat act like the hormones produced by our body.

Hormones, as these researchers explained, are the natural chemical compounds produced by our body and distributed in different parts and organs. They send messages to the brain to instruct the related cells to produce another chemical or to proceed with a chemical reaction.

Actually, each hormone is a chemical compound secreted by a specific organ and transported through the bloodstream to regulate the activities of specific cells; either by stimulating or inhibiting the cells’ surface receptors.

What are Receptors?

Receptors are various types of proteins that respond to the hormones by inducing cell growth, or causing cell division or death. Receptors also react to hormones by controlling membrane channels or by regulating cell binding.

Citing the Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid as an Example of a Food Biochemical

To further explain his view of food as a concoction of hormones, Dr. Seeley, who is currently a professor of surgery at the University of Michigan’s School of Medicine, cited an example of food choices that play a great role in causing obesity and inflammation. Such conditions greatly influence the development of Type 2 diabetes.

In choosing food containing high levels of the biochemicals Omega-3 fatty acids, the body will produce hormones that would trigger the receptor GPR120 to enhance cell processes.

GPR120 is a specialized protein receptor that strengthens the surfaces of muscle and fat cells. When Omega-3 fatty acids attach to the specialized GPR120 receptor, the occurrence sets off a chain of reactions aimed controlling the occurrence of weight gain and inflammation in the muscle and fat cells.

Additionally, another beneficial effect observed in the binding of Omega-3 fatty acids with GPR120 is the improvement of metabolism toward generating energy and maintaining glucose control.

However, the problem with biochemicals and hormones is that they could also trigger other receptors that react to lipid compounds. The latter refers to organic compounds that are characteristically greasy and insoluble in water but soluble in ether or alcohol.

While the Omega-3 fatty acid and GPR120 combo can help against inflammation and weight gain, other receptors that would react to the lipid Omega-3 fatty acid could yield the opposite effect in other lipid-activated receptors of cells.

Now here’s the thing, according to Dr. Seeley, there’s an array of food containing hormone-like biochemicals similar to fatty acids. Foods with amino acids can trigger a chain of events that regulates cell division and at the same time influence the effects of the insulin hormone. Various vitamins, including Vitamin D also respond with a series of chain reactions that influence the body’s immune response.

Dr. Seeley opines that while scientists have knowledge of the specific functions of many receptors, they still do not know for sure, which molecular components trigger responses on other various receptors. Apparently, translating research findings about biochemicals and the reactions they trigger on receptors is the best way of developing and recommending a diet plan. However, OSU biochemist Jump, remarked that doing so will be a challenge.

What about Food Consumed as Metabolic Meals?

Now It seems that Dr. Jade Teta, a North Carolina physician specializing in body fitness, natural health and body transformation has risen to such challenge. Dr. Teta, co-authored the book “The Metabolic Effect Diet,” where he translated research findings about food, in developing customized metabolic meals to improve metabolic processes toward addressing specific health problems.

Through a 12-week plan comprising bespoke metabolic meals and 15 minute workouts called Metabolic Renewal, participants are provided with professionally selected food. This diet Program selects food based on a participant’s age, geographical location, and on the results of an analysis of individual health conditions; with particular focus on the health issues that need to be addressed.

Spanish Researchers Point to High-Calorie Breakfast Products as a Cause of Obesity

Spain’s obesity problem has increased progressively since the past decades, it’s now a major health issue affecting the quality of life of Spanish citizens. Food researchers found out that the Spanish people’s shift from consuming traditional Mediterranean dishes to mostly processed foods that contain low nutritional value is a factor that has been driving the progression of the nation’s obesity problem.

The EU’s Organization for Economic and Cultural Development (OECD) recently reported that Spain’s obesity rate is high since 2 out of 3 Spanish men are overweight, which is higher than the OECD average of 1 out of 6 people.

Moreover, the country will likely face greater problem since the OECD also found out that 1 out of three 13 to 14 year-old Spanish adolescents are already overweight. That being the case, the OECD projects that during the next ten years, the proportion of obese adults in Spain’s population will increase by 10%. Spain’s own recent data shows that over one-half of the nations population in ages ranging from 18 to 64 years old are already categorized as obese or overweight.

Food Information Researchers in Spain Single Out Unhealthy Breakfast Products as a Major Factor

A recent study by food information researchers in Spain indicated that some breakfast food product like cereals and chocolate drinks have been heavy contributors to childhood obesity. Their findings show that as a majority of Spain’s citizens have transitioned from consuming traditional Mediterranean meals to low nutrition-value processed food products, they are now also consuming high-calorie breakfast products during the most important meal of the day.

According to Professor Mireia Montaña, a faculty member of the Information and Communication Sciences in Spain of the University Oberta, sugary breakfast cereals have escaped notice for going beyond the regulatory limits in advertising unhealthy food products targeting children.

In her report about the 2015-2019 adverts for products with sugar content, Prof. Montana claims that most of the breakfast products being marketed for Spanish children have three times more sugar content than those that target adult consumers. She also points out a detrimental consequence of marketing sugary breakfast products in household is that the rest of the family members tend to consume the high-calorie food as well.

Although Spain imposes regulatory advertising rules aimed at limiting the marketing of unhealthy food for children, Professor Montana reports that there are loopholes that have to be addressed with a more stringent regulatory framework. She cited as example advertisements that are still being broadcasted during children’s viewing hours.

Moreover, Professor Montana recommends including the subject of general nutrition in educating both parents and children.

Actually it’s quite interesting to note that the high obesity rate in Spain pertains to men. The OECD report mentioned social disparities influence the obesity rate among women, as those with higher level of education are less likely to be obese.

Our presumption is that the popularity of weight-reducing supplements among educated Spanish women could be a contributing factor. Reduslim appetite-suppressant and fat-burning pills for one, which Spanish women buy online from the Reduslim Spain website have earned great reviews for being highly efficient in helping customer maintain their ideal weight.

Obesity: Its Association to Neuropathy and Need for Pain Relief

A study investigating the reasons why people become obese revelaed that these voracious eaters have higher levels of appreciation for food than others. Yet at the same time, they lead inactive lifestyles that do not allow burning of the caloric content they ingested. The problem with obesity is that it could lead to serious health disorders like hypertension, diabetes and in many cases, neuropathy that cause great pain and discomfort.

The study was published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, which explains that taste perceptions tend to lead to overeating. The investigation further explored the association of obesity with chronic nerve pain as a result of th8e increased body mass index (BMI). The excessive increase tend to apply mechanical stresses on the legs and feet to a point of causing inflammation in the nerves.

More often than not, increased mechanical stresses and the resulting inflammation if occurring on a continuing basis increase the risk of developing neuropathy in connection with musculoskeletal disorder not caused by injury, but mainly due to poor blood circulation.

Food as Natural Remedy for Alleviating Pain Caused By Neuropathy

Neuropathy generally refers to damage in the peripheral nerves (nerves outside the spinal chord and brain), causing different types of discomfort, in addition to bouts of painful reactions by inflamed nerves.

One way of getting relief from such pain is to eat foods containing nutrients that can help reduce the swelling conditions that cause pain.

Ginger supplements are actually available as over-the-counter medication, which users have proven to work just as well as taking ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory pain relief medicine.

Berries, particularly blueberries, are rich in phytonutrients that are likewise capable of preventing inflammation and in reducing nerve pain. Other fruits like oranges, pineapple and strawberries are not as rich in phytonutrients but are highly rated as antioxidants, also capable of producing similar anti-swelling and pain-relieving effects.

Omega-3 fatty acids of cold water fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines have also been found effective in reducing pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. However, fish types like catfish and tilapia have excessive omega-6 fatty acids that cause or worsen proinflammatory conditions.

Consider adding turmeric as ingredients to dishes because studies have shown that the bright-yellow color compound containing curcumin can reduce swelling that occurs in connection with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

The burning taste of chili peppers is said to be effective in tricking the brain to release endorphins that are helpful in blocking pain signals.

However, obese people are at that stage where natural remedies may not work as effectively if taken as ingredients of the food they love to partake. When seeking relief for nerve pain that is already interfering in their ability to perform ordinary activities, their doctors may give them prescriptions for a stronger, faster-acting pain relief drug known as Soma, also known as carisoprodol.

Although containing a stronger formulation of analgesic medicinal compounds, Soma has been listed by the U.S. FDA as a Type IV Controlled Substance. This denotes that consumers cannot buy them from drugstores or pharmacists without the presentation of a medical prescription issued by a licensed health care professional or doctor.

Buying Soma Online Without a Medical Prescription

Some people however, cannot afford to pay for costly medical consultations just to get prescriptions for their nerve pain. In such cases, they turn to online drugstores that allow them to buy soma without prescription.

Still, Soma online sellers make it a point to sell only the lowest dosage to buyers without medical prescriptions. Those wishing to increase the dosage must first consult with their physicians so they can obtain proper prescriptions for higher dosages

Have Awareness that Steroids Occur Naturally in Your Body and In Food Sources

News about the rampant use of anabolic steroids among student athletes raised concerns, as users say they’re only taking supplements known as legal steroids.

Many young student-athletes are turning to energy-boosting supplements mainly because most households today do not provide their overly active teens with enough servings of food rich in natural steroids. Not many are aware that steroids can also occur naturally in one’s body and are found in food sources too.

In rural areas, natural food has always been the source of energy-boosting and muscle-building nutrients. Rural folks use the energy they get from natural foods to engage in physical work requiring strength and endurance.

Producers and marketers of legal steroids assert their supplements contain only minimal amounts of the synthetic androgenic steroid stuff; just enough to boost energy and build muscles. Regardless of this claim, the FDA banned the use of these supplements because of substance abuse.

There are pharma-grade steroids in Canada (steroids Canada) developed for medications. These pharma-grade steroids do not contain synthetic anabolic steroids, however, access to these products is difficult to obtain and quite expensive. They can only be bought directly from authorized pharmaceutical companies and sellers.

Natural Steroid Compounds vs. Synthetic Steroid Compounds

Not many are aware that the term “steroid” does not refer to anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) alone. Steroids earned a bad rap due to professional sports scandals that exposed the abuse of AAS to enhance the performance of athletes.

Steroids in their most natural form are fat-soluble organic compounds produced as hormones by the body to help the organs, cells, and tissues function normally. There are numerous classes of steroids, of which the most well-known are testosterone, estrogen, corticosteroid

Steroids occur naturally in plants and animals and can supply natural steroid nutrients through food consumption. However, in cases of serious health disorders or injuries that can adversely affect the body’s ability to produce natural steroids, the attending doctor may prescribe chemical-based steroid medications because they are more potent than organically produced steroids.

Still, the administration of steroid medications requires careful medical evaluations and close supervision and monitoring. That way, side effects if any can be immediately addressed.

Examples of Common Food Products that Produce Natural Steroids

Celery – Food nutrition experts say this plant steroid can boost testosterone production among males.

Spinach, a plant steroid that is vital to the body’s protein synthesis or muscle-building functions.

Quinoa seed is another plant-based steroid that can naturally increase the level of a male body’s testosterone production.

Eggs– While the egg yolk contains cholesterol, the egg-whites are rich in amino acids that are essential to the cells’ muscle-tissue building functions.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil And Coconut Oil – These natural oils contain healthy fats that can increase testosterone levels, especially as demanded by people who are into weight lifting or bodybuilding.

While there’s a whole lot more that can be mentioned, foods rich in nutrients like zinc, magnesium and Vitamins A, C, and D have been proven by medical researchers as capable of naturally increasing testosterone levels.

Why Older Women Struggle with Weight Loss Problems at Age of 40 Onward

It cannot be helped that once women reach the age of 40, certain biological changes will cause their metabolism to slow down, often leading to weight gain. That being the case, women have to be more selective with their food and beverage intake, to ensure that the slow metabolism will not lead to other health problems.

Starting at age 40, women need to continue with the consumption of foods rich in protein, carbohydrates and fat from healthy oils, as well as take vitamins and minerals. Water intake must also be increased. That way, diseases such as hypertension, osteoporosis, heart disorder, diabetes and even cancer can be prevented. Slow or poor metabolism, after all, can cause delay in the delivery of nutrients throughout the body.

Now here’s the thing, fat storage during food consumption can also lead to weight increases, which older women may find difficult to manage and control.

Fat Burner Supplements Can Help Older Women Control Weight Gain

The good news though, is that some fat burner supplements are made from plant-based ingredients and can help older women address weight gain issues safely. The top fat burner supplements for women over 40 contain formulations that provide nutrients designed to improve metabolism. Moreover, in order to help them lose some of the weight gained due to slow metabolism, the best fat burners contain plant-based appetite suppressants. The purpose of which is to make users feel satiated even with little amount of food intake.

Still, using fat burners as weight loss regiments are effective only if users also engage in some form of regular physical activity or exercise. The one thing that makes fat burner supplements more effective than ordinary weight loss supplements is that they contain thermogenic natural ingredients.

Thermogenic refers to nutrients that naturally creates a heat-producing effect that helps in preventing storage of additional fat in cells. That being the case, the calorie-burning effects of exercise or any form of physical activity will be supported by the thermogenic ingredients.

While there could be concerns over the safety of fat burner supplements for older women, looking over the product information about ingredients can help when choosing a brand. Since women over forty may have already developed some existing medical conditions, responsible manufacturers of fat burners still recommend for potential users, to first consult with their physicians before deciding on a particular brand.

Consider LeanBean as a Top Choice

Most women, especially those who prefer vegan diets attest to the efficiency and safety of using LeanBean. Firstly because they do not contain ingredients derived from animal products. Moreover, the brand’s formulation consists of vitamins and minerals specifically needed by women. As far as their thermogenic ingredients are concerned, they have been proven to metabolize properly in ways that provide users with the energy they need when engaging in exercises.

How Eating Food Rich in Phytochemicals Help Maintain Health and Wellness

The National Institute of Health and most health organizations encourage people to eat fruits and vegetables because they are rich in phytochemicals. Although they are also food nutrients, they are not as essential to the body’s everyday needs like protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fats. Yet they are important because phytonutrients provide essential chemicals that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Their chemical properties can also enhance immunity, help in DNA repair, in detoxifying carcinogens and in altering estrogen reactions to chemicals.

While all such benefits of phytonutrients or phytochemicals have been proven true, food and health experts point out that the beneficial effects are not seen immediately. It will take months or even years of eating food rich in phytonutrients before improvements are manifested. Moreover, another important matter to understand about phytochemicals or phytonutrients is that they can only delay or prevent the occurrence of adverse health conditions. Denoting that once a disease has developed, appropriate medications must be recommended by a physician in order to treat the disease.

Use of Phytochemicals as Compounds for Anti-Ageing Creams


One of the ways age regression is manifested is through the skin, as it loosens and becomes crepey when the cells can no longer meet the body’s demand for collagen and elastin. To help the skin directly obtain the beneficial effects of phytonutrients, dermatological researchers have developed formulations using phytochemical compounds extracted from plants.

While there are over 25,000 types of phytonutrients, each type has different functions as far as helping the body is concerned. It takes meticulous scientific research, therefore, to develop topical formulations that use phytochemicals, proven as effective in helping the body slow down the skin aging process by way of collagen production.

The most common phytochemical used as ingredients for anti-aging skin creams or oils are tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, polyphenols, and carotenoids. These phytochemical extracts are efficient as antioxidants and also provide ample protection against the effects of UV rays.

A Closer Look at a Leading Brand of Anti-Ageing Cream

Owing to numerous positive Crepe Erase reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations, the brand is now one of the leading anti-ageing creams in the market today. The company uses a dermatologically-tested and patented formulation called TruFirm® Complex, an exclusive proprietary blend of 3 phytonutrients derived from shea nut, cocoa and cassava, combined with Vitamin E, anti-aging hydration oils and beeswax.

Although the Crepe Erase brand of skin rejuvenating systems claim delivery of age-defying results, the time it takes for the products to take effect in bringing back the skin’s youthful appearance, depends on the age, genetics and weight of the user.

Studies show that the body’s collagen content decreases by 1% each year during adulthood, while the rate of reduction increases among aged individuals. Anti-ageing creams can supplement the body with the much needed dermal collagen through the actions of phytochemical compounds. Yet the amount of collagen deficiency in an older person’s body can impact the rapidity by which the Crepe Erase cream can improve the appearance of loose and crepey skin.